Tuesday, 17 February 2015

My Friend Jarvis

In the weekend my friend Jarvis came to stay the night.  We rode our scooters.  Then we went inside and played Lego.  After that we went to bed.  We made up scary stories.
- James

Saturday, 14 February 2015


This week we started to explore what compassion is, and how we can be compassionate at school.  We tried some role-playing with our Room 5 buddies, acting out how we could show compassion to a child at school who is new to the school, sad or alone.

Thursday, 12 February 2015


Room 21/16 are really enjoying their swimming lessons each morning.  It would be great to continue taking children to the local pool so they can continue practicing their skills and keeping up their confidence.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Welcome to Room 21 / 16

Room 16 has moved to Room 21 for the first Term while renovations are being carried out in Rooms 16 & 17.   We have had a great first couple of days together and I have enjoyed meeting many of our parents.  I hope to see lots of parents and children at the school picnic in Week 3, as this will be a good time to go over how we work in Room 16 / 21 and the new format of our home learning.  Don't be shy - sometimes the kids run off to play and I get to play the game of, 'Guess which family matches the student!'  - Mary Walker