Monday, 14 December 2015

Piñata time!

Today was the day that we opened up our Santa piñata.  We had lots of fun and we shared out the loot at the end. Thanks for sending along goodies to fill Santa.

Shared Lunch

We all enjoyed our shared picnic lunch today. We started with bacon and egg savouries, continued with yummy salad sandwiches and finished up with delicious fruit kebabs. A healthy and very tasty lunch!

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Pinata time!!

On Monday we will break open our Santa pinata.  All Room 14 children are welcome to bring some little party favours or sweets to go into our Santa.  We will divvy up the treasure when Santa spills his guts!

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Harcourt Park

What a fantastic day we had at the park today.  The weather was smiling on us as we played sports, fed ducks, rolled down hills and splashed through water.  Thanks to our parent helpers.

Dear parents

Thank you for helping on our school trip.  I liked the swimming pool.  I went down the slide too many times.  The water was freezing cold.  When I got out of the swimming pool I was freezing cold. That's what happens when you get out of the swimming pool.  Then we went to lunch.  I had some apples and chips and one cheese scone and a cookie with sprinkles.  After lunch we had a brownie that Mrs Walker had baked for on the trip.  After we had finished lunch we got to play on the playground.  I went on the monkey bars.  I went all the way and I was proud of myself because I have never done that before.  Then I went to the flying fox.  I had to wait in line for a little bit and then I got a turn.  Thanks again for your help.

From Ramashka