Sunday, 5 July 2015

Happy Holidays

To follow up our Cultural Day learning we all read a Junior Journal story about how a piu piu is made.  The flax is cut in strips and soaked in hot water.  Then it is dyed and dried and a waistband is woven.  The piu pius look amazing when they are completed.  Our Karanga iti group wear their piu pius when they are performing.


At assembly our librarian Janine presented 11 of our junior children with a certificate and a voucher for a free Hell's pizza, for completing their reading challenges.  Jade and Amelia were two of those who completed their challenges - well done girls.

On Thursday Riley went was in a team of gymnasts that represented Trentham School at the Interschool gymnastics competition.  Congratulations for a great effort Riley.

We finished up our study of how Bees and flowers need each other, by making our own word-finds. First we brainstormed lots of key words from our learning and then put 12 of them on to a blank word-find sheet.  Then we filled in all of the blank spaces with random letters and we had fun solving each other's word-finds.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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