Saturday 18 October 2014

Dress Rehearsal

We practised hard so that we could give our best performance for our families at Lane Park on Thursday night.

Lincoln's lunchtime activities

Lincoln has some new activities to keep him busy at lunchtime and he has been trying some of these out with his friendly volunteers this past week.  Mrs Walker's puppets were a great hit and she is talking to Mr Nicol about recycling a unit to make some sort of puppet show theatre for Room 16.


Adding tens and ones

We are finding out that there are other ways to add numbers together than counting on.  This is important for bigger numbers, so that we can add numbers without losing track or taking too long to count.  Last term we used some base ten blocks or groups of ice block sticks (tens and ones) to make numbers, then we started adding two-digit numbers together by making both numbers, then adding the tens and the ones to get the answer.  This week we were using whiteboards and drawing our own tens and ones to add them.  After a while we found that we could add the tens and ones in the numbers without drawing the tens and ones.  We will practise this more throughout the term.

Lincoln's garden

Lincoln is getting a small garden to look after.  He will also help to water the rest of the school garden.  Here he is planting his tomato.  It should be ready in about 8 weeks - just in time for Xmas. Next week he is going to plant a few strawberries.