Saturday 30 August 2014


Snakes are reptiles.  Some have spots or stripes.  When I went to Australia I got to hold a Coral snake, a corn snake and an Anaconda.  Anacondas have a hood.
All sorts of snakes are different sorts of colours like black, white, brown, orange and yellow. Snakes have really, really sharp fangs.  
All sorts of snakes can camouflage.  Snakes are really, really shy.  They like to hide in the trees, underground and in the water.
Corn snakes eat mice, birds’ eggs and sometimes they eat lizards.
Snakes can sometimes look like fallen branches from the tree.  Snakes get around to places by slithering.  Some snakes can swim under water.  Anacondas can spray venom and it can get in an animal’s eyes and it can make the animal go blind.  Snakes are really, really powerful.


1 comment:

  1. anacondas are very long and a viper is the venomist snake in the world
